(Released in 2000.)
Initially included in the now-sold-out Dancing Special Edition, Dancing With Myself: Live and Acoustic at the Baked Potato features spirited solo piano and guitar versions of Dancing songs recorded in Hollywood in May, 2000, including "Lonely Man," a new song never before released. And as this intimate, funny and fiercely cooking 73-minute set careens to a close, Mike is joined onstage by his BFD compadres.
The download is a 136.7MB zip file containing high-quality (minimum 256k variable bit rate) mp3 audio files, compatible with all mp3 players. The files are DRM-free, meaning that there is no anti-copying code buried in them (we trust you).
Dancing With Myself: Live and Acoustic at The Baked Potato's songs:
- I Was Not Ready for You
- Lonely Man
- Friends and Family
- Joe
- Live in Japan
- We'll Be Right Back
- I Will
- Apple Pie
- Backwards Deb
- Ankle Bracelet
- Dancing
- Lhai Sal
- Pretty Enough for Girls
- Only Mondays
- Kedgeree
Want to get a taste? Check out "Dancing," a complete song you can download for free to get a feel for Dancing With Myself. It's track 11 (256k VBR mp3), directly from the album download.